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Free Pound of Beans

Here's how it works:

Place an order for the coffees you want and check out with your payment method.

Take a photo or two of yourself with your roaster. Be creative. Get a friend to help.

Email these pics to us and we will issue a credit for the most expensive coffee in your order.

The Fine Print

Email the pics and any cool info about your roaster to no later than January 15, 2018 and we will issue an immediate credit for one pound of the most expensive coffee in your order.

The coffee is free but you will still pay for the shipping. Obviously, if you order more coffee it helps defray shipping costs, but that's your call.

When the photos are up, we will email you a link to the page so you can see how cool you look with your roasting setup!

This offer valid through December 31, 2017.

Thanks for participating. We're jazzed to see all the great pics of people in our roasting community!